International Women's Day: Our Founder

International Women's Day: Our Founder
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With today being International Women's Day, we felt it was the perfect opportunity to introduce our founder, Tannis. A mom of 3 and the visionary behind our brand, Tannis' commitment to a slow and intentional approach to living is what gave life to our brand.

We're excited to share more from Tannis over the next few weeks, and give you a behind the scenes look at her rituals and daily inspirations. Today, we're sharing her thoughts on community, beauty and women.

1. What inspired you to start .eluo.?

I fell in love with the art and ritual of masking. Post partum with my first son was a difficult transition. Exploring holistic skincare became a refuge, a chance to connect with myself and a moment to relax. The concept for .eluo. became a creative outlet for me to share the meaning of this beautiful experience and encourage others to take time for self care.

2. What’s it like, balancing motherhood and a business?

Some days you feel lost and the concept of balance seems so distant. But there is something so heartwarming that surfaces in those moments of joy that come from being present with your family. I have to remind myself often that as time passes so do these moments and my role as a mother is a priority. Continuing to pursue my passion through this business and balancing motherhood has been one of the most challenging yet gratifying phases of my life.

3. Tell us about the community of women that have supported you and .eluo.

Reflecting on the contributions of all the amazingly talented women who have supported and inspired this journey evokes many emotions. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude towards the creatives who have shaped and molded eluo. So much beauty has come from lifting each other up, the generosity and encouragement from the women in my community has inspired every detail and continues to fuel this project.

4. Explain your connection to International Women's Day.

Today is a celebration of our strength, ambition and unique beauty. It's a day to inspire mindful moments of reflection and show yourself care. I hope that today, and everyday, women celebrate their self-worth and nurture and express their natural beauty.

5. What’s the biggest piece of advice you have for women entrepreneurs?

Lean on the amazing community of support around you to guide, inspire and build your confidence. Connecting with like minded businesses and collaborators is invaluable….take time to listen to their story, there is something meaningful to learn from everyone’s journey.

However you're celebrating today, happy International Women's Day from .eluo.

Celebrating the art and ritual of slow beauty.

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Thank you for joining us in this movement towards a more fulfilling pursuit of wellness and beauty.